The Soor Milk Cairt

For many years we have been big fans of the band Jock Tamson’s Bairns. Their first album (Jock Tamson’s Bairns) dates from 1996, their last (Rare) from 2005 and in between there was May you never lack a scone (2001). Unfortunately their fiddler, Ian Hardie passed away in 2012 but he leaves a lovely website of his many brilliant tunes. Having discovered this treasure trove, we may have to add some of his tunes. In the meantime, in this Covid lockdown, I have found the optimism of this old love song really uplifting (it was probably an old ballad, resurrected by the 1970s group, The Clutha Band) and so I can’t resist the temptation to add it to our list… I fear I may regret this as we will have to learn to sing some of it (perhaps the chorus?) but it is a nice short tune and I hope it encourages more listening to the rest of Jock Tamson’s Bairns (which is a Scottish expression to say, we’re all the same, as we’re all one of his bairns, a sentiment I very much agree with!).

Listen to Jock Tamson’s Bairns’ recording here

The Clutha Band (1974 album with old photos added)
Adam McNaughton (with old film of the Soor Milk Cairt and farming in the 1930s)
The Ian Walker band (with old pictures of Eaglesham)
The McCallums singing (no video)
The Clydesiders singing (no video)
The Alexander Brothers (with video! from 0.54mins)

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